Rent a car in Baku, Azerbaijan

Baku on 172 place in the world in terms of high cost for emigrants

The capital of Azerbaijan, the city of Baku rose from 178 to 172 place in the annual ranking of the most expensive cities for emigrants from Mercer.
TOP5 rating headed by:
1. Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China)
2. Ashgabat (Turkmenistan)
3. Tokyo (Japan)
4. Zurich (Switzerland)
5. Singapore
In compiling the rating, currency fluctuations, inflation, and housing prices were taken into account.

Source: Baku Travel Guide

Baku Travel Guide

Baku Travel Guide is an online portal about the tourism opportunities of Baku. Here you can find information about Sights of Baku, about historical monuments of Baku, museums, places of rest, restaurants, hotels, etc.