Rent a car in Baku, Azerbaijan

Railway and road communication between Azerbaijan and Armenia as a priority

Following a trilateral meeting of the leaders of Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia in Moscow, a joint statement on the development of Karabakh was signed.
According to the statement, a trilateral Working Group will be created under the joint chairmanship of the Deputy Prime Ministers of Azerbaijan, Armenia and the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia. The working group will hold its first meeting until January 30, 2021, based on the results of which will form a list of the main areas of work, setting railway and road communications as priorities.
By March 1, 2021, the working group will submit for approval a list and schedule for the implementation of measures involving the restoration and construction of new transport infrastructure facilities necessary for the organization, implementation and security of international transport.

Source: Baku Travel Guide

Rent a car in Baku, Azerbaijan

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