The foundation of the Azerbaijan State Russian Drama Theater, popularly known as the Russian Drama Theater, was laid in 1920. Initially, the theater was called the Free Satyr Agitation Theater, then the Baku Worker Theater, and since 1956, the Russian Drama Theater became known as the Azerbaijan State Russian Drama Theater named after Samed Vurgun. Given the possibilities of the influx of a new Russian-speaking audience, the director’s group releases 6-8 plays a year, including fairy tales for children.
The Russian Drama Theater is constantly replenishing the repertoire poster with comedies of foreign, Russian and Azerbaijani playwrights, entertaining performances – improvisations on theater themes, and parody performances on soap opera television series.
On the poster: “Athenian evenings”, “Artist and his shadow”, “Brothers Karamazov”, “In the crystal palace”, “Wolves and sheep”, “Pride and prejudice”, “Lie detector”, “Another night of Scheherazade”, “Groom called, girls?”, “Casanova: Lessons of love”, “Lodgers of hell”, “Love affairs on New Year’s Eve”, “Masquerade”, “Monsieur Jordan, a learned botanist, and dervish Mastalisakh, famous sorcerer”, “Seven Beauties”, “Bliss Family”, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “They Don’t Joke With Love”, “Too Married Taxi Driver”, “The Fate of the Artist”, “Telescope”, “Spouse Left His Spouse”, “Fedra”, “Halam Bund”, “Goldilocks and Sweeper”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Prince Gvidon and the Swan Princess”, “Guess the Tale 1”, “Guess the Tale-2”, etc.
Beginning of daytime (children’s) performances at 12.00, The evening performances start at 19.00
Tickets for performances: for children: 5₼.
For evening performances: 15₼
At the premiere evening performances of 20₼